
YTFU #22 [M-R] - Prizes - Thinking about Oscar of long nails

Let's go on. We introduce a variation: prizes. We think that posting a screenshot of a video is a prize for the beauty of a model's nails, so we decided to give more visibility to the best looking long nails on yt.
Comment and tell us which is your favorite and why. Those are my motivations. 
We're beginning to think we've to organize a sorta Oscar of best nails, tell us what you think. 
We've spotted many more M's and N's etc. but those were, in our opinion, the most likely to be awarded with a mention. 

Prize for most sexy goth look goes to Mamie Hades

Prize for the most beautiful with long natural nails this time goes to Marta Diaz

The prize for the most intense sexy ASMR video goes to Miss Danae

Prize for the most dangerous nails goes to Miss E (aka Madame Absinthe)

Prize for the most beautiful long polished nails goes to Naila Nails

Prize for the most elegant hands goes to Natalia Volchkova

This time we'd like to give the prize for the best long toenails to Natural Anshika

The best nail-shape prize goes to Nese Time

Most feminine nails prize goes to Priscila Toian

Prize for the longest nails goes to Queen killer

sur-Prize goes to Raven Moody

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